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Flexible, Accessible, and Rigorous

​​The All Minds Academy curriculum is designed and developed by highly credentialed, content expert educators, partnered with skilled and experienced practitioners to provide optimal accessibility for our student population.  It is a rigorous, standards-based curriculum that has been adapted - NOT modified - to accommodate the preferred communication method of our students as spellers and typers.  â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹


Many considerations have been factored into the design of our curriculum, one of which being the significant amount of time and energy required to communicate by spelling or typing. We've also taken into account the tendency for our student population to possess information processing advantages that reduce the need for excessive repetition of instruction and practice. By keeping our lessons concise and dense and by avoiding unnecessary redundancy in our exercise sets, our adapted curriculum covers the full spectrum of objectives found in typical high school honors level courses AND can be completed by a student who communicates by spelling in a similar time frame as a typical high school course. This design maintains the full integrity of courses, yet ensures that our students and families are not required to subject themselves to an undue burden of time in order to achieve the educational goals of the student. After all, equitable education includes having access to programs that can feasibly be completed in a timeframe that does not require a person and their family to sacrifice their ability to enjoy life outside of school.   ​Furthermore, we understand that it can take a while to progress in spelled/typed communication skills to a level of producing longer, open-ended communication . We do not want to exclude those who have not yet achieved this skill from being able to start earning credits toward a high school diploma. With the exception of a few upper level courses required for graduation, all of our courses are accessible to students with a communication partnership through which a student can respond to questions that have a limited range of possibilities and require at most a phrase or possibly a sentence response. For these courses, the exercises that require longer, open-ended responses are optional, yet due to our intentional design, the student is still able to meet course objectives and engage deeply and meaningfully in the subject matter.

Structure and implementation​

Our program is structured to allow for a high degree of flexibility in implementation on the curriculum. With a few exceptions, most of our full credit courses within the core academic subjects (Math, Science, Language Arts, and Social Studies) come with around 40 lessons each that cover a full year of content comparable to a typical honors level high school course. Each course is self-paced. On average, most students complete one lesson per week  by working on it in small chunks throughout the week. Ultimately, each student and communication partner can find a rhythm and pace that works best for them. ​ Each lesson includes a 30 - 45 minute instructional video taught by one of our experienced educators with credentials in that subject. Typically, lessons are accompanied by a set of guided notes for the student that aligns with the video, a short set of spelling-friendly exercises, and an answer key for checking work. The materials are accessed through google classroom and can be printed out or opened on a computer or ipad.  The guided notes provide a scaffolded and systematic way for the student (and communication partner) to follow along with the teacher and to take notes on the lesson so that they can be referenced later for assignments and review. They also provide a useful way to document content exposure and course progress.  In the video, the teacher explains the material and reveals the information that has been blanked out in the guided notes. The notes should be filled in accordingly, either by the student, when possible, or the communication partner. ​In most courses, throughout the videos, students are instructed to pause to answer brief check-in questions. These pause questions are optional, but can be helpful for maintaining student engagement and possibly for regulation as well. Students are instructed to complete several exercises at certain times throughout the lesson. It is up to the student whether to complete these exercises intermittently as indicated, or all at once following the full video. The exercises include a variety of types of questions, - fill in the blank, matching, multiple choice, short response, etc. For students enrolled in our diploma program, ASCEND, to receive credit, completed exercises must be submitted through google classroom. The teacher of the course receives the exercises, checks for completion, AND provides comments and feedback, as needed.​​ For students enrolled in our non-diploma program, FLEX, exercises are optional , unless a certificate of completion is desired in which case they must be completed and submitted.

Supports provided


One of the concerns we've repeatedly heard from communication partners who have attempted, or who have been hesitant to attempt other programs is that they feel ill-equipped to help the student with academic related matters, especially in higher level courses. At All Minds Academy, WE DO NOT EXPECT COMMUNICATION PARTNERS TO BE TEACHERS. That's OUR job, and that's why we've invited experienced, world-class teachers to develop the instructional materials for our program! We've designed the curriculum to be highly informative and supportive enough to function mostly as a stand-alone tool. However, as with any educational program, questions are expected. Furthermore, students have the right to high quality education, which includes being able to interact with excellent, respectful, and caring teachers who are exceptionally qualified in their field to address academic matters. ​​Both students and communication partners may interact with teachers asynchronously and each other in both our ASCEND and FLEX programs via google classroom. ​Teachers can address most questions within this platform this way. We know because our math courses have been successfully operating this way for multiple years.  ​From time to time, a question may involve an explanation that is too difficult or time intensive to address asynchronously, online. In this case, the teacher and advisor will help determine a solution, which might involve recommending private tutoring.  There would be an additional fee for this service.


In addition to having access to academic support, families have shared the importance and value in having support from someone who can help oversee student program planning and management and can offer tips and help troubleshoot student-communication partnerships. This is the role of All Minds Academy Advisors.


Our Advisors have a wealth of knowledge and experience as practitioners and/or parents. Not only does each Advisor provide program as well as communication support, but equally important, they help families and students by providing accountability, encouragement, and connection. Read more about our current Advisors -  Jen Leon, Susie Lotharius, Trini Jimenez, and Elizabeth Zielinski -  HERE. 

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